Art Studio

The artistic process or “my journey to the finished artwork” is as important as the artwork itself. It is even more intimate. Each painting is a new adventure, a kind of inner journey. The process is the path I discover step by step during the creation. Sometimes, I encounter difficulties, dead-ends, crossroads that make me take other directions and experience new things, but my destination is always an emotion. It is when I feel it that I know I have arrived.

peinture en cours tableau
Palette peinture-acrylique-bleu-outremer
Portrait artiste peintre Tiphanie Canada dans son coin atelier à Bayonne

The artist works from her art studio space she has set up in her apartment located in Bayonne, Basque Country (South West of France).

démarche artistique de l'artiste Tiphanie Canada en train de façonner son bas-relief

« We make paper from tree trunks, so I decided to make my tree trunks with paper… »

démarche artistique de l'artiste Tiphanie Canada en train de façonner son bas-relief